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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Down 9-0 in the top of the third, nearly pulled it out against Keene State at The Yet yesterday. Final KS 14 UMB 10.

Today at high Noon at The Yet
Western Connecticut invades
for two big games for both
schools. C YA there.
A darned good umpire...

Truly a boy of summer.
Thump? No. With aluminum it's ping.

Head down, eyes on ball....

May I shag?

You get music between innings. Loud too.

Let's get ready to rumble.

The Cage.

Soft toss.

Let's kick a little what......


Drive it hard....

Ryan focused....

Here comes a ping.....

Go Connor....

Ty ties into one....

They grow 'em big in Westport.

How do you spell relief..M-U-R-P-H-Y, that's how.

Drew's on it....

A Keene State Owl named Beau Darak

(sounds like Dereck...remember the "10"?)

And the pitch.....

Tim on the attack....

All eyes on the ball....

On deck...

Frank Yavorosky with the relief....

At 1st it's Pat Lynch....

See ya at the game today...

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